One was a really nice blade, the other a Swiss army knife, and um. Yes. The butter knife incident. That last one was post 9-11. Security was not amused.
At any rate, I'm a knife kind of girl, what with it being in the family and all -- heard of the Bowie knife? Yeah. That's my family. I'm a Bowie. Jim Bowie was my first cousin about eight generations up, and my family is a strange and violent motley crew, so.... knives. I also like Escrima sticks and I'm getting better with a gun, but that's a different story. My nunchuck skills are also quite good. Nope, not joking.
So whenever I am about to go on a flight I go through this sort of disarming process with my backpack, laptop bag, and key chain, because I'm tired of airports taking my weapons and I think every time they confiscate one, there goes another check mark on my application for the No Fly List.
I am flying out tomorrow morning and will be in New Jersey for much of the time, and what was going to be more vacation-like has turned into a full-on support mission. (I am visiting the good, good friend of mine whose father dropped through a roof. See earlier blogs of panic and relief.) Meaning: I'm not going there to ensure I have a good time, I'm going as a supporter, healer, friend, and whatever else is needed. Luckily I'm good at this, and I'm honored to do it.
Posting will be light to non-existent depending on when I find time/wi-fi. Have a wonderful Fourth of July, don't blow off the fingers of yourself or your loved ones, I'll be back on Tuesday of next week and oh yeah:
"Let your caring change the face of everything..."
-- paraphrased from Charles Harper Webb