Hi guys,
I hope you all had lovely weekends... I will post a bunch of photos I took over the weekend tomorrow (playing catch up at work today) and in the meantime I thought I'd share with everyone that I have won my very first blog giveaway, over at Miss Anne's blog Indefinitely Definite. Anne, thank you SO MUCH - I LOVE your blog...I love the fact that you post inspiring quotes with beautiful pictures, share adorable heart-warming videos that you've found, and seem like an all-around awesome kind of woman. What other kind of person would have a surprise giveaway on her own birthday? (And no, I don't know what I won yet -- but I will post pictures when I get it!)
So Anne, happy belated birthday (again) and thank you so much for all of the blog love and support. I love reading your thoughtful comments on my blog and you've always been so kind to me. :)
And to pass along a little bit of love, I wanted to highlight the fact that my bff Radical Bradical is now blogging, and she was inspired by my top ten list to create one of her own, which I think kind of rocks: The 10 Best Things About Being an Adult. Because trust me, we all need reminders.
Finally, I got a lot of fantastic responses from everyone who commented on my Top 10 Lists, but one person really stood out after I began reading her blog, and reading this post made me sit back and re-think a few things. You can feel free to agree or disagree with the blogger's point of view, but it's totally fascinating to read someone else's perspective on a somewhat controversial issue. Go ahead, take a look. :)
Have a wonderful, survivable rest of your Monday and I should have lots and lots of photos up tomorrow that documented how amazing my weekend was... let's just say that I went to a wedding on Saturday night and the bride and groom had set up a photobooth(!)
Apologies to the other guests for how much I hogged that damn machine. But seriously, how fantastic an idea is that?!
Wanted: Calm When the Wind Blows
6 days ago
Wow her post really is wonderful. Congrats on the win!!! I won one of Miss Anne's give aways once and it was so much fun!!! And...of course we have to start the kiddo out being a SciFi lover early. She even plays Halo better than I do. LOL!! XOXO
Congrats on your win! How exciting! Free stuff is always cause to celebrate!
Off to go check out this blog you mentioned!
congrats on the win girly!
looking forward to the pics ;)
YAY!! Congratulations on winning!!!
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