Monday, January 11, 2010


So I got sick on Wednesday...the kind of sick where you need to sleep for fourteen hours, then you wake up and think, "Wow, that was exhausting. I think I need a nap after all that sleep." So I kind of took the rest of the week off from life.

Now that it's Monday I'm doing slightly better and disgustingly far behind on everything... blogging, reading blogs, eating solid food, paying my bills, push-ups, checking email... you know, the important stuff. So I'll keep this blog post short(er) as I write another promised post and make a small correction to my last post.

As you might note, my last blog post was awarding my guy blogger buds one of the most effeminate blogger awards out there. I was given the award by Kris, who then kindly mentioned as a comment in my post that she'd actually given me TWO awards, the other one being the much more manly Sugar Doll Award.

It looks like this:

So I sort of unintentionally gave all my guy friends two really, really pink awards. Let it never be said that I don't serve up huge heapings of irony with my blog. Anyways, boys, there you go. You're all Sugar Dolls, doesn't that make you feel tough? Hmmm?

Also, I finally get a chance to blog about the Winter SoCal Blogger's Brunch, thrown by this amazing girl. I've mentioned before how awesome I think Dionne is - she does all her own illustrations for her adorable blogs, hosts incredible giveaways with the coolest stuff (I once won a Peacock teacup from her), cooks insanely amazing-looking food and has a heart of pure gold.

Dionne decided to throw a Winter SoCal Blogger's Brunch just after New Year's for some Southern Cali bloggers at one of my favorite cafes in all of LA, then made sure our table was covered in beautiful decorations, provided hand-made notebooks and place settings for us, and gave each of us a huge goody bag of hand-made stuff from a ton of Etsy sellers. (You can see all the cool stuff we got here). My friend Kristy (of "lying bitch" fame) and I went and got to meet some great people - including Carissa, Maggi, and Ashley, three of my new favorite bloggers.

Here's a picture of us:

From left to right: Maggi, Dionne, Me, Carissa, Ashley, and Kristy. Yay!

We all had a blast so all I can really say is thank you, again, Dionne, for hosting such a fantastic event. I look forward to the next one and I'm so glad I added three more SoCal bloggers to my wolf pack! (If you don't know what movie that last line references, don't ask.)

I'll be blogging more throughout the week as I get back on my feet. Have a wonderful Monday!


Dave said...

A Sugar Doll?...sweet Jesus! I feel so warm and fuzzy...

Glad you're feeling better. I do ofcourse know the movie, but I'm not ruining it for anyone who's dieing to figure it out. Have a great week!

Marion said...

I'm sorry you were sick, Phoenix. I hope you'll be back to 100% by the time you read this. You are wealthy with friends and I'm green with envy over those fabulous goody bags! Feel better soon. Love & Blessings!

Dionne said...

Being tired from being sick is the worst. Even more frustrating then actually being sick.

Hooray for cool bloggers and fun get-togethers!

Barbara said...

Imagine you are up and at 'em by now. I hate that kind of sick. But you know, sometimes it does us good to take time off from life. It's just that I would rather not be sick when I'm doing it! ;)

Love the blogging photo! Such fun to meet with other bloggers. And everytime I read about a blogger get-together, they ALWAYS have an awesome time. We are all such different people, different ages, different parts of the world, but it still as though we're all friends.

A New England Girl said...

Aw, baby! I hope you are feeling completely better. Being sick is always such a drain on everything!

I'm glad that, besides the sickness, you've been having a wonderful few weeks. I have been SO bad at commenting, but I do check your blog often and hope you're doing well even more often! :) I promise to be better soon. And thank you for all of your sweet comments - you're awesome!

May I also mention how sad I am that you're not on twitter? It's my new obsession, ow ow! ;)

jenn said...

sorry you've been sick. :( that just sucks.

and yay for blogger meet-ups! they are the best!

Jaeveberry said...

Sorry to hear you were also under the weather, I know how that goes. Btw, thanks for asking about my "heart" issue, the doctor diagnosed costochondritis (inflammation of the rib cage) and a whole lot of stress! Nothing that can't easily be cured. So, I'm relieved! Hope you get caught up on everything. The SoCal blogger brunch looked like a ton of fun! Perhaps I can join in on the festivities next time? I'm really interested in being more active in the blogger community outside of the internet! There's so much great stuff for bloggers to do together in LA!

Jaeveberry said...

email me your email addy!

Heather Taylor said...

Aww, I hope you're feeling 100% better! Being sick is so awful, I feel your pain.
Thanks for the sweet post! To answer your question of whether the guy got the girl...I think he'll always hold a piece of my heart. I hope he knows that and maybe one day, he'll figure it out. Then he'll know where to find me.
It was still massively unromantic though! There was so much rain that night, you could swim in it!

Gwen said...

I hope the guys enjoy their pink fluffy overload. Aren't blogger meetups the best!!! I think you need to fly here for our next one. LOL!!! I'm glad you are feeling better now. The illness crap this season is really rough. Take care of yourself. XOXO

drollgirl said...

oh, hope you are feeling all better by now! there are some NASTY bugs out there that take way too long to get rid of!

and it looks like you have an amazing group of la blogger friends to hang out with! well done!

Sage Ravenwood said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick. The meet up sounded like some kind of awesome. Loved the handmade details of the good bag and contents. (Hugs)Indigo

Honey Bee said...

I am SO dying for a week off from life you have no idea. I'm down in the dumps. :(
Atleast you're out of it now! Yayie on the award.

Jo said...

I'm sorry you were sick! There have been some wacky colds and flus going around here in L.A. lately!!
Glad you're on the mend! :)

Carissa Thilgen said...

yay for being part of the wolf pack! haha :)

glad you are feeling slightly better. I feel like everyone is under the weather lately... my boyfriend has been really sick and I am trying my best not to get whatever he has!

congrats on the awards btw. and I think it is totally acceptable to give girly frilly pink awards to boys. somewhere deep inside, you know they love it :)

Annje said...

I hope you are ;-)

krista said...

dude. i cannot believe you have spent that much time at aroma considering i worked there for FOUR YEARS and never saw you.
freakin la. figures the most time we ever spent together was in hollywood.

Kristin Quinn said...

I suggested Aromas Cafe today without even reading your blog yet at that point! Yay!!! I hope you are feeling much better....

Iva Messy said...

oh gosh! i hope you are feeling better now!!! congratulations on your award!! very well deserved!!

wooohooo for your bloggers get together!!

Bathwater said...

So I thought sleeping 14 hours then waking exhausted was a normal thing for people to do?

Actually it is the 2 or 3 hour naps that leave me feeling like crap and wanting more sleep.

Hope to see you back here soon.

Damion009 said...

I really like you blog!!! awesomeness!!!

Jo said...

Checking in to see how you're feeling, and to give you....

Yep, another award!! ;)

I couldn't figure out how to paste it into the comment section, so head on over to my blog to check it out!!

PorkStar said...

Sugar doll, lol nice nice, and I don't mind me some pink glitter on my blog as long as its not anywhere else... just saying lol... JK

Sounds like a lot of fun you guys had, for me it's been only one on one with certain blog friends due to distance and my traveling schedule.

Feel better.

drollgirl said...

hey you. your comment freaked me out. people throw stuff at you and your best friend? that is awful. what is wrong with people? i always think we are in one of the more "progressive" and "open minded" parts of this country, but i guess not everyone has seen the light here. i am mortified when i find out stuff like this. sometimes it seems the frakking cro-magnons might have been more civilized than the pat robertsons and other types of this era. unbelievable.

Pretty Zesty said...

This is so cool!!!

Maggie May said...

that's the kind of sick we've been too. love the group picture!

Celia said...

you lost me at push-ups. just sayin'...

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