I really, really do.
You all say the kindest, coolest things on my blog, so much so that while I was hanging out with my friend Kristy last night on our Hot Chocolate Crawl (more on that later) she said, "Your followers always say the nicest things on your blog. Sometimes it makes me want to leave a comment that just says 'You Lying Bitch.'"
Which I believe she has before, isn't that charming? So if you see a totally sarcastic comment here or there on my blog, believe it or not, it's usually one of my real life friends. Feel free to return the favor and visit their blogs and call them lying bitches as well. (Just a friendly suggestion!)
Anyways, I'm in the mood to spread the love because over the last couple weeks I've been getting a lot of love. I'll start with one of my favorite bloggers, Nichole, over at littlebrownpen. She takes incredible photographs of her adorable family, she finds the cutest stuff on Etsy (my addiction) and is one of the most genuinely kind and funny people I've had the pleasure of following. And a few weeks ago she blogged about being in Vermont and picking up gifts for family and friends and like a total jerk I left a comment that was all, "That's awesome, wish I could be on your gift list!" or something to that effect.
Next thing I know I've got an email from her that's asking for my mailing address and a short explanation that says she's engaging in some random acts of kindness.
And last week, a small package from Little Brown Pen arrived. When I opened it up, I saw this:

And what Nichole did was take photos while she was in Paris of individual numbers and letters, then print out photos of each and make an adjustable calendar out of it. Like this:

And I'd seen this on her website (you can check out the direct Etsy link here) and I'd been yearning and pining to find a way to make room in my budget for this...
And instead she sent it to me for free. For being a smartass.
Nichole, je t'aime.
So if you like what you see and want to own one of your most very own, last I saw, she had three left on her Etsy site....
And next up is my darling Clarity, who is my British counterpart. We have way too many things in common and I think if we ever actually sat down to tea together we probably wouldn't leave until they elected a new Queen. Also, Clarity can make the bed and blog at the same time, a feat which I liken alongside dodging bullets and having x-ray vision.
So Clarity gave me the Kreative Blogger award,

...and I'm supposed to pass it along, for whatever that means to y'all. And I'd like to pass it along to my aforementioned You Lying Bitch friend Kristy, because she is another one of those incredible writers who needs to blog more ("I only write when I'm inspired," she said. "Then be inspired MORE," I said) and takes words and turns them into poetry in a way that I fear I will never be able to - her words fly off the page and burn little paper hearts into your skin and the back of your neck. It's incredible, her writing, so please, go check her out, and maybe if she has more followers she'll feel pressured to write more.
I am also giving this award to my blogger friend (whom I will get to meet in person in January) Dionne, who not only writes incredible posts but also does all her own illustrations to match each of her posts, and she takes amazing photos, AND she makes the most amazing food ever. So she already has globs of followers, for good reason, but if you haven't checked out her blog, please do so, because she's a wonderful human being, amazing and kind, and when I asked her for her recipes she friended me on Facebook so I could find them.
You don't get any cuter than that.
As for our Hot Chocolate Crawl: when you don't drink alcohol you have to come up with creative ways to hang out with people (no, designated driving does NOT count) so I came up with a Hot Chocolate Crawl for Kristy, myself, and Benni, because Kristy had not met Benni yet and since I'd known her since college her approval was crucial.
So we hopped from one place to the next practically making ourselves sick on all the chocolate and getting into loud political and social discussions until almost 1 in the morning, because that's the kind of friends I keep around. Rest assured that the other patrons of this place know how I feel now about Michael Vick and health care and whether it's possible to have true democracy if you have more than nine people in a room. And it was around 9 pm at our first stop here that Benni had a White Hot Chocolate and called Kristy's Vanilla Hot Chocolate a bastardization between regular Hot Chocolate and White Hot Chocolate and Kristy said, "Did you just call my hot chocolate a bastard?"
And then I turned to her and said, "I am SO naming my next blog that." And then she called me a lying bitch.
I am also giving this award to my blogger friend (whom I will get to meet in person in January) Dionne, who not only writes incredible posts but also does all her own illustrations to match each of her posts, and she takes amazing photos, AND she makes the most amazing food ever. So she already has globs of followers, for good reason, but if you haven't checked out her blog, please do so, because she's a wonderful human being, amazing and kind, and when I asked her for her recipes she friended me on Facebook so I could find them.
You don't get any cuter than that.
As for our Hot Chocolate Crawl: when you don't drink alcohol you have to come up with creative ways to hang out with people (no, designated driving does NOT count) so I came up with a Hot Chocolate Crawl for Kristy, myself, and Benni, because Kristy had not met Benni yet and since I'd known her since college her approval was crucial.
So we hopped from one place to the next practically making ourselves sick on all the chocolate and getting into loud political and social discussions until almost 1 in the morning, because that's the kind of friends I keep around. Rest assured that the other patrons of this place know how I feel now about Michael Vick and health care and whether it's possible to have true democracy if you have more than nine people in a room. And it was around 9 pm at our first stop here that Benni had a White Hot Chocolate and called Kristy's Vanilla Hot Chocolate a bastardization between regular Hot Chocolate and White Hot Chocolate and Kristy said, "Did you just call my hot chocolate a bastard?"
And then I turned to her and said, "I am SO naming my next blog that." And then she called me a lying bitch.
That story is hilarious. I was doubled over laughing. Great post.
aahhahaha!!! well, i am not sure where to start! but it is amazing how many cool, and generous folks you meet via blogging (not to mention all of the lying bitches!).
the chocolate crawl idea is rad. RAD.
and the last long haired fella in my post is none other than glenn danzig -- lead singer of danzig, and former lead singer of the misfits. he lives in my neighborhood, so it is only a matter of time before we hook up. KIDDING. but i am going to see in on the 19th (he has a show).
and if colbert lived in my neighborhood i would DIE. he is my favorite man on planet earth.
I'm crazy about Clarity too AND thanks for sending me to see Dionne- her artwork is unreal.
Blogging friends are the such fun, aren't they?
Loved this post, as usual.
I have so much love for this post. The calendar is AMAZING and I love, love, love the hot chocolate crawl idea. Denny's helped saved my sanity many a night in college when my friends and I ranted over late-night hot chocolate.
You should definitely share some of the hot chocolate hot spots. White hot chocolate is totally my hot beverage weak spot. I need to know where to get some in LA!
That calendar is amazzzing!
I adore the blogsphere for almost the same reason... I need chocolate crawl! Lovely evening beautiful(ain't a lie!)
hee hee haw haw
and, great list, i love finding new great blogs :)
and! thank you SO MUCH for your (completely NON LYING BITCH ) comment on my last post. you are so passionately expressed and so sweet hearted that it is .... awesome.
Haahaha...what a wacky line!
This is hysterical! Have one of these sweet real friends of yours guest post one day after a night of chocolate crawling. I'm really interested in hearing the truth!
That calendar is amazing. I've been eyeing it for the past two months. Well done you cheeky gift getter.
Being a smart-ass will get you everywhere in life. ;)
And thanks for the hot chocolate crawl idea. OMG, must do this.
Have a great weekend!
You're a hoot and I love that awesome calendar.
But I quit Etsy after a horrible experience there recently. I hit the button to buy some handmade soap, then realized about 30 seconds later that it wouldn't be delivered in time for Christmas, so I immediately cancelled the order via email. The Etsy "person" sent me THE rudest, meanest email I've ever read in my life saying she would not cancel the order and that she was going to report me for nonpayment. I'm still appalled at being treated like that! I plan to report her and NEVER, EVER visit Etsy ever again. Life's too short to have to deal with that kind of crap.
Blessings to you, Phoenix.
So is the moral here that being a smart-ass gets you presents? Apparently I've been missing out for a long time!
Wow. Alright, a) that calendar is gorgeous and now I will pine about not being about to afford one, b) rejoice in that warm, fuzzy feeling of friendship - there's nothing quite like it to ease those snow-time shivers, and c) ...jealous of hot chocolate binge...
A random act of kindness for someone so incredibly deserving fills my heart with hot chocolate.
You darling. I just saw this - I adore your words and your humour. I actually can dodge bullets and do have x-ray vision. One day I shall teach you Daniel son. Love ya bff ;) And that calendar is beautiful.
P.S. tell that blanking blank to stop calling you a lying blank. X.
P.P.S. We need to get chocolate happy when we finally meet - but of course - tea first, it's the law.
That is a fabulous calendar and what a sweet gesture from Nicole. :) XOXO
love this post...
HAHA WOnderful post! I don't even know where to begin... ok let me try.
b) That calendar is so cool, I am JEALOUS.
c) Congrats on the blog award- YOU deserve it.
d) A hot chocolate crawl sounds like a WONDERFUL idea!
Ciao, bella!
um, little brown pen is amazing. that just kind of made me giddy for you.
and the hot chocolate crawl is brilliant. i'm totally going to do this with finn when she's actually old enough to drink hot chocolate.
p.s. hot chocolate IS a bastard.
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