...but after much deliberation I'm NOT going to submit myself for the following roles on some of the casting websites:
Woman Wearing a Deer Head (this was exactly what it sounded like, although the casting people were quick to point out that it would be "non-sexual." Well, I should friggin' hope so.)
Sexy Female Stripper -- tasteful (I love how they had to add "tasteful" to that)
Evil Sexy Clown (this one came up a few weeks ago. I was afraid to ask.)
It's an interesting world out there, my friends...
Also, the print ad tomorrow is for a leading pet store, so this explains the cats/dogs/gerbils thing. I'm psyched to go hang out in a park (at 7 am, but still) and frolic with animals. I thank my lucky stars every day that I have such an awesome career and cool opportunities.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Wanted: Calm When the Wind Blows
6 days ago
LOL!! These are HILARIOUS! I'm SHOCKED you wont submit yourself for the roles! LOL :)
you DO have a killer job!!!! and you must be one sexy lady to have these offers thrown at ya! ;)
LoL I'd have to say I'd pass at some of those too. Good call.
Can't wait to see the print ad!
No doubt you'll be a little Mother Nature!
you should always show up wearing a deer head. i mean, why not?
Krista, that's how I lost out on my Dawson's Creek audition.
They said, "Look rural." I thought: Deer Head. It compliments my outfit, matches my deer skin shoes...
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