Because... the first time I met Benni (on set), he didn't talk to me for the first four hours (he told me later he was intimidated),
Because... we were both with other people romantically when we met so we struck up a very natural friendship while our relationships ran their course,
Because... after we got out of those relationships we waited a while so that we didn't make each other the rebounds,
Because... we were both with other people romantically when we met so we struck up a very natural friendship while our relationships ran their course,
Because... after we got out of those relationships we waited a while so that we didn't make each other the rebounds,

Because... he makes me laugh harder and smile more than any man I've ever been with,
Because... I am a better person because of being with him,
Because... he kicks my ass at Scrabble and chess but he lets me kick his ass when it comes to grammar and vocabulary and Shakespeare quotes,

Because... his eyes are the brightest blue I have possibly ever seen,
Because... he's a better cook than I am, so he cooks four out of five meals (hey, I do the dishes!),
Because... he has faced unspeakable tragedy in his life, losing two family members before he reached the age of 25, and he still has the most open, non-cynical heart I know,
Because... he's a better cook than I am, so he cooks four out of five meals (hey, I do the dishes!),
Because... he has faced unspeakable tragedy in his life, losing two family members before he reached the age of 25, and he still has the most open, non-cynical heart I know,

Because... he is patient and understanding with me, but doesn't hesitate to kick my butt if I need a verbal butt-kicking,
Because... he loves long walks in the evenings as much as I do, loves hiking as much as I do, loves hot chocolate as much as I do, and loves small, furry animals as much as I do,
Because... he forces me to put my b.s. aside, shoot my ego and ask questions later, and be an adult and have adult conversations,
Because... he wears his heart on his sleeve (literally, he has a freckle that's the shape of a heart on his arm),
When Benni got down on one knee and asked me to marry him on Thanksgiving, in front of my family, I said yes.

yes yes yes yes yes.