...for the books, people. I looked back through my posts and noticed I only posted ONCE the entire month of September. And I can't really sum up everything that's kept me away from the computer or you'd die crying of boredom, so instead I'll try to express it through pictures and numbers as best I can. Let's just say that September consisted of 5 separate trips to 2 different auto mechanics, (with 1 serious brake-pad scare that turned out fine, and a $300 repair on a smashed front headlight when I hit something on the freeway going 80mph); over 650 miles driven to Yosemite National Park and back; many miles hiked at Yosemite; many pictures taken while camping there with my family for four days; 1 agency meeting down and 3 million to go when I got back into LA; 3 classes a week as I continue learning knife fighting and add American Sign Language to my schedule; and over 1,000 headshots that I have to go through (and narrow it down to 5) after 2 different headshot sessions over the past couple weeks.
Damn, I'm already tired. Screw it, here's the pictures.

Had enough nature? Now for some of my new headshots:
Okay! Bored looking at me yet? I totally am! I will be back and blogging regularly starting next week... and I've got a survey to fill out, another award to pass along, a Big Idea to share... and some really cool news. :)
Love and miss all of you!!
*yes, that's grammatically correct.
That was an excellent synopsis. I hadn't seen the newest of the headshots. I like the emo one. I had already seen the top two. Wear was the vavoom one? That one sizzles. Smokin' hot. I can see why you didn't include it. You don't want people to start stalking you. I get it. I wasn't thinking there for a minute. A brain is a terrible thing to lose!
Wait, which one was the vavoom one? I thought I posted that one...isn't it the one with me in lots of pink?
Yay for Mikel Healy! How many times have you shot with her? She makes everyone look sooooo dreamy!!! xoxo
Ashley - this is my second time shooting with her. I love her THAT much. :) Congrats on looking GORGEOUS at your wedding, btw... ;)
Glad to see you back....the pink one was very vavoomy, and I promise not to stalk.
I like the Emo look. Then again I always like the Emo look on a girl. I was beginning to worry about you but after the Kate incident I decided not to call out the park rangers just yet.
Dave - lol thanks. Not used to being vavoomy anything and definitely wasn't sure if I'd look like a cartoon in all that pink.
Bath - Yeah, nothing to worry about. Although having park rangers in Yosemite would have been helpful...
These are great shots.. of you and the squirrel :P I randomly stumbled upon your blog today. I love your "interests" on your profile page. I just started following. Hope you'll check out my blog too.
LOVE the bangs. And the squirrels and the headshots (gorgeous! you are so versatile, any agent would be shit-bat crazy not to sign you on sight!) Also, thank you for your very warm and very well-received kind words. I hope so too. xo, g*
Yosimite is the best!! Great pics!!
And the bangs....super cute!!
Looks like a great trip. And I love that photo of you in pink! and now I want to see the vavavoom one, promise I won't stalk...
gorgeous Yosemite pics!
and love the plaid and emo shots! you look so pretty. I didn't see those ones on facebook :)
Welcome back!!!! I missed you. Girl you are HOT in all those pictures. You totally ROCK that pink lipstick. I love the last one with the sultry look and the spider necklace. I can see you replacing Kathryn Heigl in any of her romantic comedies. Or Angelina Jolie in an action/adventure kicking some dude's ass. Good luck and break a leg. See you in the movies. :-) Love & Blessings, my Bodhisattva friend. xoxo
I was totally looking at the photos going is she- SHE?? then I read- yes they look exactly the same.
Nice naure shots and head shots-
I could never be bored looking at you! And your photos. (And I mean this in a non-creepy way) Welcome back!
I noticed your absence, Phoexix. Its good to see you back.
These photos are stunning and those of you especially, bangs or no bangs.
WOW! It's like you were never gone. Bangs totally suit you! (In Australia, we call 'em fringes).
Heck, everything suits you from emo to hiking!
Glad you are back - and with a big bang, too!
I guess you had a great time... much more interesting than sitting in front of a computer screen.
P.S you look GORGEOUS
You HAVE been busy, but the trip to Yosemite looked fun! And you've got a twin for a mother? You know what that means.....
Love the emo photo. Don't know what to think about bangs except they take so LONG to grow out! I'll never do them again.
Can't wait for your cool news!
Nice park pictures!
I dig how you seem capable of reinventing yourself in each of your headshots. I can imagine different stories for each picture.
I'm so glad you are okay. Hitting things at 80mph is not good.
That squirrel totally posed for you. :)
You are stunning!!! I love the pink of course but I think the last one is my favorite!!!
Welcome back from your month of adventure. Sorry to hear about the mechanic turmoil...I hate car troubles.
Jealous of your Yosemite trip....one of these days I'll make it over there. I've done Lake Tahoe a few times...so pretty similar, but I didn't get much beyond the lake. I had some in-laws that lived just outside Tahoe but they've moved back to Utah, so there goes that easy excuse for a trip to Yosemite.
Looks like you had a good month. Good luck with your busy schedule.
I'm down with the Everlast....phooey on vavoom :) (although you rocked that too)
Can't beat me up though....I got a few pounds on ya.
Loved all these photo's! The emo one is my all time favorite. Maybe because attitude usually wins with me (winks). Bangs? Let's see it's been over 3 years since I've even gotten a trim (I know what's up with that), considering my hair used to be pixie short. I'm good. (Hugs)Indigo
girl, you are GORGEOUS!
AND you are making me wish i was in yosemite!!!!!
A Whole Lotta Love - (cutest name ever!) Thanks! I'm off to check out your blog :)
Gabby - hope things are getting easier. Thanks for your lovely compliments on my bangs! Still getting used to 'em.
Jo - I LOVE Yosemite. I went camping there as a kid and have missed it ever since.
Annje - I'll post the VAVOOOM one next time, promise. :)
Carissa - thanks! I just got these taken so I hadn't uploaded them to FB yet.
Marion - missed you too. And I am crazy about my spider necklace :)
Ren - thank you! I'm told that I look very different depending on what I do (or don't do) with my hair.
Kristin - I know the feeling - I never get bored looking at your pretty face either ;)
Elisabeth - I'm glad to be back. I hope your leg is healing well and I'm off to check out your latest post!
Purple Cow - "Fringes"? I love it! I'm totally using that from now on.
Maha - awww, thank you! And you're right, it's much interesting being out in the world, isn't it!
Barbara - yeah, I'm trying to not let my bangs drive me crazy. And I've already been fully warned that if I have kids I will more than likely have twins. Yikes!
Alesa - thank you very much :) I tried to represent every look I could for acting.
Gwen - yeah, hitting things on the freeway at 80mph = not good. I'm just glad I got out okay (even though my credit card is still smarting from that charge, sigh)
Okie - yeah, car troubles suck. I hate 'em. I've never been to Lake Tahoe so one of these days we'll have to swap vacation sites.
Annie - I'm usually phooey on Vavoom too (I definitely dig the darker pics better). And yeah, you could probably beat me up... sigh. :)
Indigo - the emo one is my favorite too! And I don't get my hair cut that often either. I keep putting it off!
Droll - Aw, thanks girl! (blush). Yosemite should be on everyone's to-do list.
Wow! I'm so jealous. I've never been to Yosemite and your pictures confirm what I'm missing. Wow.
And your headshots are gorgeous! I like them all. If I had to pick, I think I like the emo-girl one the best!
while we were busy giggling i am totally late to this post!
wow! we have so much in common! i once had bangs (heehee), only i was about 6, i grew up going to yosemite every summer for a month of camping, i am supposed to get head shots too (but won't, too nerve wracking)and my first boyfriend was a twin!! see?
Oh my god tracy, you are so amazingly photogenic, i love all the photos and i think you look gorgeous in them all. but i lean towards the one with the least makeup (must be the mom in me.)
i'm so glad your car was a sturdy one.
p.s. word veri was NOT sperm this time, sad, i know. ;)
Knife fighting and American Sign Language ... a natural pairing :)
After all these pictures I can definitely say I want to visit those sites, and with you!
Lydia - Thank you! I think the emo one is my favorite too. And I think everyone should add camping in Yosemite to their to-do list.
Lori - you crack me up. And yes, my car is a sturdy Honda (can you imagine if I'd been in a SmartCar? Yikes!) And I think you are also very photogenic and that headshots would just bring out your loveliness even more.
Nick - I laughed so hard at your comment. I guess I'm good with my hands?
Kid - Aw, thank you! Very kind of you, sir :)
Jealous of the Yosemite trip! That's on my list.
- Eric
That squirrel is full-on giving the camera a Vogue look! Total pose. Oh, wildlife...
I just adore the picture of you with the pink top. I have a big thing for vibrant colors popping out of photographs and that one just hits it right on the mark. It's very Sex and the City hehe ;)
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